Can A Bee Sting Harm A Dog? How To Identify An Allergic Reaction In Your Dog!

Can A Bee Sting Harm A Dog? How To Identify An Allergic Reaction In Your Dog!

Having your pet evaluated by a veterinarian is never a wrong choice; if you feel your pet’s swelling and discomfort is significant, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, particularly when swelling in the head area is involved.

Less common but more severe than local inflammation is a true anaphylactic reaction, and this is a medical emergency. Just as in people, some dogs are allergic to bee venom and can have a sudden and life threatening reaction to a sting. These usually happen shortly after the sting—within minutes. Pets may have vomiting and diarrhea, seem disoriented and weak, show difficulty breathing, or even collapse. Their gums turn pale as they lapse into shock.

If your pet exhibits signs of shock, do not hesitate—head to the nearest animal ER.

Oral Benadryl will not help in these severe cases. Pets in shock need an IV catheter, aggressive, fluid therapy, and injectable steroids and antihistamines. They may even require epinephrine. Shock can be reversed if addressed rapidly, but without treatment it is quickly fatal. Fortunately, these reactions are rare.

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